
Do You Brush Your Teeth Too Much? | Dentist in 48390

Dentist Walled Lake

Brushing your teeth is a vital step in maintaining good oral health However, is there such a thing as over-brushing?

The American Dental Association recommends you brush your teeth for 2 minutes, twice a day People sometimes brush after every meal, or brush midday to freshen up Although this is not always a bad thing, when you start...

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Decrease Your Odds of Hypertension | Walled Lake Dentist

Dentist in Walled Lake MI

You may be unaware of how your oral health can be an indicator of your overall health  The warning signs of systemic health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, can often be found by during a routine examination/dental cleaning at our dental office You may be surprised to find out that hypertension (high blood pressure) may also be...

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Chew on This: Foods for Healthy Teeth | 48390 Dentist

48390 dentist

No time to brush or floss your teeth? When brushing or flossing isn’t convenient, you can still keep your mouth feeling fresh by eating certain foods When you’re on the go or in a hurry, our Walled Lake dentist recommends to try grabbing one of these foods to munch on to help fight plaque and keep your teeth healthy  

Cheese provides...

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Changing Your Spots: White Areas on Teeth | Dr. Paula Taylor

Young man enjoying meal at a restaurant Walled Lake Dentist

White spots on your teeth can be irritating and affect how you feel about your smile The good news, however, is that they are preventable and rarely cause for concern Here are things you should know about what causes white spots, how to prevent them, and what options are available should you already have...

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Modern Dentistry: Managing TMD Discomfort | 48390 Dentist

Dentist in Walled Lake, MI

Discomfort and pain in your jaw, clicking while you talk or chew, and swelling on the sides of your face can be caused by Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) TMD can make talking and eating both painful and uncomfortable Our team understands how TMD can make your day a challenge We’ve compiled a list of helpful tips for managing TMD discomfort, but also...

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Should You Brush Right After Eating? | Dentist in Walled Lake

Dentist Walled Lake

Enamel is the guardian of your teeth and the hardest material in the body It’s the first defense against harmful bacteria which may lead to tooth decay When you eat certain foods, it creates bacteria which attack your tooth enamel Carbohydrates and sugary foods are examples of these foods Brushing directly after eating can be harmful to your enamel

Why this...

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Self-Care: A Woman’s Priority | 48390 Dentist

48390 dentist

When you travel by plane, your flight attendant will advise that in the rare case of an emergency, you must first put on your air mask before attempting to help those around you When this is not followed, the results can be catastrophic, both for you and for those you might otherwise have been in a position to assist While this is crucial information for...

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