Stephen Jacobson DDS

The Benefit of Adding Flossing to Your Routine | Dentist Near Me

You have heard the recommendation from your dental hygienist or dentist over and over again: “You need to start flossing Flossing daily is important” Although it may sound like a broken record at times, flossing truly is instrumental to both your oral and overall dental health It is important to understand the benefits of flossing daily to keep your smile shining bright 

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The Optimal Oral Health Routine | 48390 Dentist

If it has been more than 6 months since your last dental visit, it may not be possible to regain optimal oral health care without the assistance of professional care While creating your oral health plan, make sure to start by scheduling an examination and professional thorough cleaning with our team Once you’ve received professional care, it’s imperative to adopt an at-home care...

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What is a Cosmetic Dentist? | Walled Lake MI Dentist

Despite popular belief, there is no official dental specialty for cosmetic dentistry There are, however, countless courses, training programs and advanced training which can allow a general dentist to master the art of dentistry When considering cosmetic dentistry, start with a consultation  

What to Expect During Your Cosmetic Consultation 

Just as you wouldn’t paint a house that has...

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Easy Flossing Alternatives to Preserve Your Healthy Smile | Walled Lake Dentist

If there is one recommended dental habit that many people struggle to embrace, it’s flossing Whether you find traditional thread flossing challenging to maneuver, messy, or just time consuming, you are not alone However, The American Dental Association (ADA) and our office want you to be able to floss regularly and thoroughly Consider these effective alternatives to remove unwanted plaque from the places your toothbrush simply can’t...

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Facts You May Not Have Known About Oral Cancer | Dentist 48390

According to The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, oral cancer claims one American life every hour of every day Unfortunately, most cases go undetected until it is too late, making the need for regular examinations of even greater importance Those who are proactive and seek treatment early have the best chance of beating the disease and living a long, healthy life Below are some facts you...

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Fruit Juice & Your Teeth: A Message From Your Dentist | Family Dentist Walled Lake


Don’t be fooled by the label “100 percent fruit juice” Drinks advertised in this way might seem like a healthy choice, but these drinks may be doing more harm than good In fact, fruit juices contain sugar that can lead to tooth decay The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently reevaluated their recommendations for allowing small children to consume fruit juice Here’s what...

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6 Harmful Habits That Affect Your Teeth | Best Dentist Walled Lake


Nearly everyone has at least one habit that they wish they could break Did you know that some of them can affect your oral health? Here are a few common habits and tips for how to break them

1   Nail Biting

Why it’s harmful: Your dental health may suffer from nail biting by possibly chipping your...

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